LiveLeak Pulled Fitna After Serious Threats

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Fitna the Movie by Geert Wilders that was hosted by LiveLeak - one of the best video sharing sites on the net and one of the sites still respecting freedom of speech pulled Fitna off their servers after receiving very serious threats.

This is a terrible blow, a terrible experience which only proves that the points raised by the movie were true.

Fitna is still available on Google video, which we are providing in this post and you can also find it on YouTube but YouTube generally blows so it’s just a question of time before it’s pulled form there too.

LiveLeak apologizes to its visitors but they say that the threats were so severe; they had no other option but to take the movie off their servers. Some of their staff were threatened directly and their administration could not allow for their staff to experience harm because of being LiveLeak employees.

This is without doubt a very, very sad day and freedom of speech on the internet has suffered a major blow.

Fitna the Movie by Geert Wilders

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Geert Wilders is a political leader of Dutch conservative Party for Freedom (PVV aka Partij voor de Vrijheid in Dutch) and a self proclaimed critic of Islam as well as defender of free speech.

On March 27, 2008 Geert Wilders released the movie called Fitna which offers very critical view on the Koran (Qur’an) and Islam. Fitna is an Arabic word and even though very difficult to describe, in general it means disagreement and division, or test of faith among people.

Fitna the Movie quotes Islamic book Qur’an showing several of its Suras. Disturbing images of atrocities inspired by the Qur’an verses are shown, including beheading, execution, suicide bombing as well as short clips of Islamic leaders calling the “believers” to slaughter all non believers are shown throughout the movie.

The movie also features a n upsetting clip in which a 3 years old Muslim girl Basmallah is asked a few questions and uses such names as “apes and pigs” to address Jews.

Later in the movie a Muslim is heard to say that Muslims have ruled the world before and that they will rule America, UK, Europe and entire world once more.

Being filmed by a Dutch man, Fitna the Movie’s final sequences show headlines from Dutch newspapers related to Islam in Holland. A postcard form Netherlands is shown with a picture of Islamic Mosque in the middle.

The 15 minutes long Fitna the Movie end with an a sequence in which a hand appears to tear off the page of the Qur’an (the tearing is not show, only the sound is heard and the caption explains that the sound is in fact a recording of a page being torn off a telephone book).