Ted Williams – Who Is He?

Tuesday, February 1st, 2011

Ted Williams - Who Is He?

I know it’s been at the back of your head ever since you’ve seen the video of him showing off his golden voice. There was something to the face of Ted Williams, but who is he exactly? Well, let the picture above reveal his secret identity.

Ted Williams takes his good looks from two of the most socially awkward characters in the universe today. Take twisted features of John Kerry, combine them with Muslim complexion of Barack Obama and you will no longer have to ask: “Ted Williams – Who Is He?” because then you will know. Awkward!


Sheep in Turkey Gives Birth to Lamb with Human Face

Friday, January 29th, 2010

Sheep in Turkey Gives Birth to Lamb with Human Face

I wouldn’t believe this story if you bribed me with blowjobs from your sister, but since masses at large out there are prone to believe anything they are served (Barack Obama becoming the president is the proof of the previous statement), let me tell you about a sheep in Turkey that gave birth to a dead lamb with human face:

Turkish veterinarian Erhan Elibol performed Cesarean section on the sheep in Izmir, Turkey but when lamb came out, it had snout that resembled human face (has Barack Obama been to Turkey recently?). Given that this story originates from Turkey one would have to think twice before they believe it. Mutating a sheep with human genes would not be that easy but then again, Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country (almost everyone is Muslim – 99%) and you never know what a Muslim would stick his dick into.

If you add to it the fact that most deformities come from these parts of the world (India rules in this regard), you could easily come to conclusion that this story is real, regardless of how crazy it may seem at first. Of course there are no videos of the lamb with human body, only questionable quality pictures and locals burned the body after it was born so scientists couldn’t study it and confirm the claims. You believe Barack Obama is the savior of the world, feel free to believe a sheep in Turkey gave birth to a lamb with human face. Meantimely, I’ll go and enjoy quality time with your sister.


Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden

There is no question that Barack Obama is the Antichrist, but I didn’t realize until I saw this video that Barack Obama is also Osama bin Laden. Such multitalented Muslim he is. It’s actually pretty creepy when you realize that Barack Obama and Osama bin Laden share the same facial features and other body specific characteristics.

That Barack Obama is a puppet on a string sent to play the game according to the script provided is pretty obvious. That Al Qaeda is a made up terrorist organization used to scare general public and gain control over it through the power of fear is also pretty obvious. But could it be that masterminds behind it went as far as to use Barack Obama as Osama bin Laden? Or is it US president himself who’s playing the game on us all and without being told, he is one and the other?

So that’s why they can’t find Osama. He’s been hiding in the White House all this time. Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden, that’s it ;)

Watch the video proof that Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden below:


Attempted Assassination of Kurt Westergaard by a Somali Muslim

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

Kurt Westergaard Cartoon of Prophet Muhammad

Here I am talking about Muslims spreading around the world like a plague and one of them just proves that there really is a concern. Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard who drew a cartoon of Prophet Muhammad wearing a live bomb as his turban has been targeted by a Muslim would be assassin with links to Al Qaeda. Because of Danish privacy laws, the name of would be assassin has not been released, but it is known that he is a Somali (Somalia is a country with 100% Muslim population) with close ties to al-Shabaab – the Somali terrorist organisation as well as Al Qaeda.

Danish Security and Intelligence Service PET has confirmed that 28 year old Somali Muslim broke into the house of cartoonist Kurt Westergaard in Aarhus, Denmark armed with an axe and a knife. 74 year old Kurt Westergaard was at his house with his 5 year old granddaughter. He heard the window break and pressed the alarm button which he had installed since Muslims started threatening Danish cartoonists for portraits of Muhammad from 5 years ago, to alert the police that there is a potential security breach. Kurt Westergaard took his granddaughter and locked themselves in the bathroom. Would be assassin was trying to break in with his axe shouting “Blood” and “Revenge” in Danish. The police showed up shortly after and shot the assailant in the hand and leg after he threw his axe at the officer, ultimately busting his assassination attempt.

The Somali Muslim confessed that he wanted to assassinate Kurt Westergaard because of his cartoon of Prophet Muhammad. Kurt Westergaard shared his ordeal with Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten which he still works for as a cartoonist (it’s the same paper that originally published his cartoon of Prophet Muhammad). According to Danish statistics, out of 5.5 Million Danes, 3% are Muslims. The Muslim who tried to assassinate Kurt Westergaard has been charged with attempted murder of both Kurt Westergaard and the police officer. Jyllands-Posten newspaper speculated that following this attempted assassination, Kurt Westergaard may be given a personal bodyguard to provide round the clock security for the cartoonist. Unreal – Denmark has longed ranked as a country with THE highest standard of living in the world. Now thanks to Muslims, Danes who exercise their given right of free speech and expression must fear for their lives.


Muslim Population by Country

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Muslim Population by Country

Given frightening growth of Muslim population worldwide, let’s take a look at Muslim population by country, with special focus on countries with highest and lowest population of Muslims in the world.

List of Countries with Muslim Population of 100%

In these countries, everyone is a Muslim and I’m guessing that unless you embrace Islam, you are not welcomed:

  • Libya
  • Maldives
  • Mauritania
  • Oman
  • Qatar
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Somalia
  • Western Sahara

List of Countries with Muslim Population of 99%

These are the countries where basically whole population are Muslims, but some weirdoes of unknown origin are spoiling their numbers. Only 1% or less of total population are Muslims:

  • Afghanistan
  • Algeria
  • Gaza Strip
  • Iran
  • Turkey
  • Yemen

List of Other Countries with Muslim Population of More than 90%

List of other countries with super high Muslim population, even though they have more than 1% of non Muslim people there.

  • Azerbaijan
  • Comoros
  • Djibouti
  • Egypt
  • Gambia
  • Iraq
  • Jordan
  • Mayotte
  • Morocco
  • Pakistan
  • Senegal
  • Tajikistan
  • Tunisia
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Senegal

…and to offset it:

List of Other Countries with No Muslim Population (0%)

These are the countries that are free from Muslims:

  • Angola
  • Antigua Barbuda
  • The Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Bhutan
  • Bolivia
  • Cape Verde
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Greenland
  • Granada
  • Guam
  • Guatemala
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Iceland
  • Jamaica
  • North Korea
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Paraguay
  • Peru
  • Puerto Rico
  • Taiwan
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

Looks like countries in Central America and the Caribbean do the best job keeping themselves free from Muslims. Iceland and Greenland are also on top of it, though I was surprised to find out that Slovakia, one of the nicest countries in the world has 0.2% Muslim population. I guess that’s what they get for being in Europe. Muslim population in Indonesia, a country with largest Muslim population in the world is at 86.1%.

These Muslim population by country statistics have been collected from the CIA World Factbook and are based on each country’s respective census. Some may be outdated or inaccurate due to deliberate provision of twisted facts. For more information, go to:

Muslim population circular graph image by the University of Pennsylvania, School of Arts and Sciences


Muslim Numbers in Europe, Canada, USA and the World

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Muslim Numbers in Europe, Canada, USA and the World

You have probably heard that Christianity is no longer the largest religion of the world. It was passed in numbers by Islam. Muslims are multiplying with unprecedented rapidity while fertility rate in non Muslim societies is way below the rate necessary to maintain itself. The video below puts Muslim numbers in perspective against numbers of other social, cultural and religious groups.

It is likely that the world will be taken over by the Muslims within a few short decades. As the video states, research has shown that in order for a culture to maintain itself, it needs the fertility rate of at least 2.11 children per family. Any culture with lesser fertility rate than that will decline. As per historical records, no culture that reached fertility rate of 1.9 children per family was able to reverse the decline.

Many of the Western European countries have had alarmingly low fertility rates in past years, most of them below level needed to sustain itself. Some countries are even below 1.3 children per family fertility rate, which is the rate at which the decline of society is impossible to reverse as it would take 80 – 100 years to correct itself and there is no economic model that can sustain a culture during such long time. Below is the list of statistics of fertility rates in some countries in Western Europe:

  • France: 1.8
  • England: 1.6
  • Greece: 1.3
  • Germany: 1.3
  • Italy: 1.2
  • Spain: 1.1

Global fertility rate across 31 countries of the European Union is mere 1.38. With such low fertility rate, Europe would be bound to reach extinction, but their population numbers are not declining. The reason is simple – immigration. Most immigrants to Europe are Muslim, people from Islamic background. Since 1990, 90% of all immigrants to Europe have been Muslims. While French families have on average 1.8 children per family, Muslim families in France have on average 8.1 children per family. Muslims sure like to creampie their female partners.

As the video says, the world is changing. The global culture our children inherit will be vastly different that it is today. The demographics of the world is changing vastly in favor of Muslims. While Muslim numbers are growing, numbers of other ethnic and religious groups are declining. This is the case of virtually every continent. Europe has been hit with mass Muslim invasion perhaps the hardest, but there are frighteningly growing numbers of Muslims in Canada and the USA as well. It is predicted that by 2027, the numbers of Muslims in France will grow to such extent that 1/5 of the country will be Muslims. And in 39 years from now, France will be taken over my Muslims completely and will become an Islamic republic.

Number of Muslims in The Great Britain grew from 85,000 to 2,5 Million in the last 30 years. 50% of all newborns in The Netherlands are Muslims. Half of the population in The Netherlands will be Muslim in 15 years. 40% of the Russian army will be made of Muslims in a few short years. 25% of the population of Belgium are Muslims with 50% of all children born being Muslim. European government in Brussels predicts that by 2025, one third of all European children will be born to Muslim families. That’s only 15 years away. Germany federal statistics office made a point a few years back that the decline of German population can no longer be reversed and that by 2050, Germany will be an Islamic state. Europe will turn into a Muslim continent within a few decades.

The fertility rate in both Canada and the United States is now only 1.6 children per family. Islam is Canada’s fastest growing religion. In the United States, there were only 100,000 Muslims in 1970. Today, there are more than 9 Million of them. Our children will be born to a world ruled by the Muslims. Their numbers continue to grow while numbers of other cultures continue to decline. The video that puts it all in perspective is below:


Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Explosive Underwear Bomb Photo

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab Explosive Underwear Photo

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the guy who allegedly tried to blow up the Northwest Airlines Flight 253 en route to Detroit from Amsterdam is safely behind bars, but his terrorist attack momentum lives on. To keep the hype up, ABC News got their hands on the photo of his explosive underwear aka underwear bomb he was wearing and wanted to detonate while aboard Flight 253.

The explosive underwear of Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had a packet sawn onto it in the crotch area. The packet contained some powder – according to certain reports, there were 80 grams of the military explosive PETN there. Al Qaeda took credit for this attempted bombing, even though if I were Al Qaeda, I’d deny it. Who would want to be associated with failed terrorist act? I mean – if it was successful, then yes, but it didn’t work so why take credit?

23 year old Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab of Nigeria was a member of Islamic forum Gawaher where he posted under nick name farouk1986 – it contains his middle name Farouk and his year of birth 1986. Authenticity of posts made under farouk1986 nick on Gawaher are still being verified by US intelligence officials, but they are all hard core pro Islam. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab presents himself as devoted Muslim but if his attempt to blow up Flight 253 with an underwear bomb succeeded, he would have lost his penis in the process. It would be disintegrated into atoms that no one would be able to put together rendering him useless with 72 virgins in Muslim afterworld? Guy needs to think of those thing before he blows up his choonies.


Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin Have a Son Dimitry Medvedev

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin Have a Son Dimitry Medvedev

This flexible contortionist with big mouth that can take a large chunk of meat in the picture above is 26-year-old rhythmic gymnast Alina Kabaeva from Russia. Alina Kabaeva was pregnant and rumors were that it was the sperm of former Russian president turned Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin that knocked her up. The rumors (as it seems) were true – Alina Kabaeva was pregnant with Vladimir Putin’s baby and gave birth to a son whom they have named Dimitry Medvedev. As it goes with powerful men, they like to keep a girlfriend who happens to be their mistress and Vladimir Putin was no exception to the rule.

Alina Kabaeva is a rhythmic gymnastics champion with two gold medals from the Olympic Games and 18 golds from World Championships. That makes Alina Kabaeva the most successful gymnast in history (a gymnast with most gold medals). The rumors about her connection to the penis of Vladimir Putin started circulating the web back in 2006 after she had retired from professional competition. Smart girl – owned the sports while she was young and agile and sucked on rich and powerful dick when she reached the age at which her career as a professional sportsman could start going down the drain. Talk about perfect life and perfect timing.

Since Vladimir Putin is very careful about what his public image looks like, none of major Russian media reported on the birth of Dimitry Medvedev and the speculation that he’s Putin’s son remain in the internet domain (I love speculations). When news of 57 year old Vladimir Putin divorcing his wife Ludmila to marry Alina Kabaeva were published by Russian newspaper Moskovsky Korrespondent last year, the paper was shockingly shut down by the owner Alexander Lebedev who went on to purchase London’s Evening Standard. Strange sequence of events. As is the fact that Russian public is withdrawn from being made aware of the fact that their prime minister has a son… out of wedlock.

Father of Alina Kabaeva is Tatar from Tashkent, Uzbekistan where Alina was born. That makes Alina Kabaeva half Muslim. Who cares, she is a gymnast who can strike any pose a man could wish for. Spreading those legs is a breeze for the likes of Alina Kabaeva. Vladimir Putin knows what he’s doing. Congrats to the birth of Dimitry Medvedev.


Jerome Corsi – Anti-Obama Author Busted in Kenya

Tuesday, October 7th, 2008
Jerome Corsi - Anti-Obama Author Busted in Kenya

Jerome Corsi - Anti-Obama Author Busted in Kenya

Jerome Corsi, best selling author of anti-Obama book titled “The Obama Nation: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality” was detained in Kenya and deported because he has failed to apply for work permits necessary to do business in Kenya.

Jerome Corsi was staying at the five star hotel in Kenya’s Nairobi when he got arrested by Kenyan police. He was planning to launch his book from there.

In his Anti Obama book, Jerome Corsi accuses Barack of being a secret Muslim, boiling with black rage who is unfit for presidency. Jerome Corsi continues on to calling Barack Obama a dangerous, radical candidate for president.

Barack Obama is popular in his homeland of Kenya where he was born (but denies) so it comes as no surprise that Kenya’s officials did all they could to stop in the way to the launch of anti-Obama book and… Obviously they succeeded. Do not underestimate the power of antichrist. Barack Obama worshippers are all over the place ready to do as they’re told. They busted Jerome Corsi and they won’t stop at nothing. Dark ages are ahead of us. And if North American Union becomes reality, not even we the free folk in Canada will be safe from Barack. The antichrist will be ruling our lives too. Scary thought to start Tuesday off with :(

Jerome Corsi photo credit: AP


Fitna the Movie by Geert Wilders

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Geert Wilders is a political leader of Dutch conservative Party for Freedom (PVV aka Partij voor de Vrijheid in Dutch) and a self proclaimed critic of Islam as well as defender of free speech.

On March 27, 2008 Geert Wilders released the movie called Fitna which offers very critical view on the Koran (Qur’an) and Islam. Fitna is an Arabic word and even though very difficult to describe, in general it means disagreement and division, or test of faith among people.

Fitna the Movie quotes Islamic book Qur’an showing several of its Suras. Disturbing images of atrocities inspired by the Qur’an verses are shown, including beheading, execution, suicide bombing as well as short clips of Islamic leaders calling the “believers” to slaughter all non believers are shown throughout the movie.

The movie also features a n upsetting clip in which a 3 years old Muslim girl Basmallah is asked a few questions and uses such names as “apes and pigs” to address Jews.

Later in the movie a Muslim is heard to say that Muslims have ruled the world before and that they will rule America, UK, Europe and entire world once more.

Being filmed by a Dutch man, Fitna the Movie’s final sequences show headlines from Dutch newspapers related to Islam in Holland. A postcard form Netherlands is shown with a picture of Islamic Mosque in the middle.

The 15 minutes long Fitna the Movie end with an a sequence in which a hand appears to tear off the page of the Qur’an (the tearing is not show, only the sound is heard and the caption explains that the sound is in fact a recording of a page being torn off a telephone book).