Amanda Beard Files Law Suit Against a Tanning Salon ProSun

Amanda Beard FHM Pic

Hot ass US olympic swimmer Amanda Beard must have got a vagina itch that made her file a law suit against a tanning salon company ProSun for using her hot ass photoshopped body and name on their site without her inter vaginal consent. Amanda Beard said: “morons… you can’t put my pics on your site without greasing up my wallet. What are you newbs?” Actually, she didn’t say that. I’d made that up. I think she’s too hot to be this coherent.

According to tanning salon ProSun, the pics of Amanda Beard were taken at a charity event few years ago that was graced by the presence of her invaluable vagina. ProSun felt they had the right to use the pics and so they did.

Amanda Beard needs to quit whining and show her tits already.

The picture of Amanda Beard above is copyright FHM.

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One thought on “Amanda Beard Files Law Suit Against a Tanning Salon ProSun

  1. News Review

    Amanda Beard is gorgeous. Her pictures are naturally her private properties. If the sam are shown without the owners consent, it is tantamount to violation of ones right to provacy, regardless of when and where it was taken.

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